Milky with Condensed Milk Matcha Muffins
Milky with Condensed Milk Matcha Muffins

Hello everybody, it’s Louise, welcome to our recipe page. Today, I will show you a way to prepare a distinctive dish, milky with condensed milk matcha muffins. One of my favorites food recipes. This time, I am going to make it a bit tasty. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Milky with Condensed Milk Matcha Muffins is one of the most well liked of current trending meals on earth. It is enjoyed by millions every day. It’s easy, it’s quick, it tastes yummy. Milky with Condensed Milk Matcha Muffins is something which I have loved my whole life. They are nice and they look wonderful.

To get started with this particular recipe, we must first prepare a few ingredients. You can cook milky with condensed milk matcha muffins using 9 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to make Milky with Condensed Milk Matcha Muffins:
  1. Take 50 grams Butter
  2. Take 45 grams Sugar
  3. Take 1 Egg
  4. Take 30 grams Condensed milk
  5. Take 45 grams Milk
  6. Take 110 grams ◆Cake flour
  7. Prepare 5 grams ◆ Matcha
  8. Make ready 1 tsp ◆Baking powder
  9. Make ready 50 grams + more for topping Cooked kuromame
Instructions to make Milky with Condensed Milk Matcha Muffins:
  1. Bring butter, egg, and milk to room temperature. Combine all ◆ ingredients and sift.
  2. Knead the butter with a whisk. Add the sugar and mix until smooth.
  3. Beat the egg and mix into the bowl from Step 2 in two to three batches. Mix well, then add the condensed milk to mix some more.
  4. Now add about half of the milk and half of the powdered ingredients. Using a rubber spatula, mix lightly in cutting motion. Add the rest of the milk and powdered ingredients and mix lightly.
  5. Then add the kuromame and mix evenly.
  6. Line a muffin pan or mold (I used pudding cups) with parchment paper and pour in the batter. You could also top the muffins with two or three kuro-mame beans.
  7. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes in 170℃ preheated oven. Test with a skewer. If it comes out clean, it's ready to eat.

Foods That Make Your Mood Better

Mostly, people have been taught to believe that “comfort” foods are bad for the body and must be avoided. At times, if your comfort food is essentially candy or other junk foods, this holds true. Other times, though, comfort foods can be altogether nourishing and it’s good for you to consume them. There are a number of foods that really can raise your moods when you consume them. If you are feeling a little bit down and you’re in need of a happiness pick me up, try some of these.

Eggs, believe it or not, are wonderful for helping you fight depression. Just see to it that you do not toss the egg yolk. Whenever you wish to cheer yourself up, the yolk is the most crucial part of the egg. Eggs, particularly the egg yolks, are rich in B vitamins. B vitamins can truly help you boost your mood. This is because they help in improving the function of your neural transmitters, the components of your brain that affect your mood. Try to eat an egg and feel a lot better!

Put together a few trail mix of nuts or seeds. Peanuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, almonds, pumpkin seeds, etc are all terrific for helping to boost your mood. This is possible since these foods are rich in magnesium which increases your production of serotonin. Serotonin is called the “feel good” chemical and it tells your brain how you should be feeling day in and day out. The more you have of it, the more pleasant you will feel. Not just that but nuts, in particular, are a terrific protein source.

Cold water fish are wonderful for eating if you want to fight depression. Cold water fish including tuna, trout and wild salmon are rich in DHA and omega-3 fats. These are two substances that promote the quality and function of the gray matter in your brain. It’s the truth: consuming tuna fish sandwiches can really help you fight your depression.

It’s not hard to overcome your bad mood when you are eating grains. Quinoa, millet, teff and barley are all really great for helping boost your happiness levels. These grains fill you up better and that can help elevate your moods also. It’s not hard to feel depressed when you feel hungry! The reason these grains are so great for your mood is that they are not difficult to digest. They are simpler to digest than other foods which helps bring up your blood sugar levels and that, in turn, raises your mood.

Your mood could really be helped by green tea. You were sure it had to be mentioned in this article, right? Green tea has been found to be rich in an amino acid called L-theanine. Studies have shown that this amino acid essentially stimulates brain waves. This helps sharpen your mental energy while at the same time relaxing the rest of your body. You likely already knew it is not difficult to become healthy when you consume green tea. And now you know green tea can help improve your mood also!

Now you can see that junk food isn’t necessarily what you need to eat when you want to help your moods get better. Try these tips instead!