Refreshing Strawberry & Mango Salad with Mint & Lime
Refreshing Strawberry & Mango Salad with Mint & Lime

Hey everyone, it’s Drew, welcome to our recipe site. Today, I’m gonna show you how to prepare a special dish, refreshing strawberry & mango salad with mint & lime. It is one of my favorites. This time, I am going to make it a little bit unique. This will be really delicious.

Refreshing Strawberry & Mango Salad with Mint & Lime is one of the most well liked of recent trending meals in the world. It’s appreciated by millions daily. It’s easy, it’s fast, it tastes delicious. They are fine and they look fantastic. Refreshing Strawberry & Mango Salad with Mint & Lime is something that I have loved my entire life.

To get started with this particular recipe, we must prepare a few ingredients. You can have refreshing strawberry & mango salad with mint & lime using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to make Refreshing Strawberry & Mango Salad with Mint & Lime:
  1. Take 1 cup hulled and halved strawberries
  2. Make ready 1 cup ripe (but not mushy ripe) cubed mango
  3. Take 1/2-1 teaspoon sugar depending on how sweet the fruit and how sweet you like things
  4. Take 1/2-1 teaspoon fresh lime juice (I used Key/Mexican lime today, and the fragrance is fantastic!)
  5. Take 4-5 spearmint leaves, finely chiffonaded/chopped
Instructions to make Refreshing Strawberry & Mango Salad with Mint & Lime:
  1. Put all your ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Gently toss to combine.
  3. Enjoy!!!

Consuming 14 Superfoods Is A Terrific Way To Go Green And Be Healthy

One of the best reasons for adopting a green lifestyle is to slow down and enjoy life. Despite the fast pace of our modern world, you can do this. We should return to a lifestyle that prevents disease before we have to get it treated. Regrettably, most people don’t worry about their health since they think they can take a pill to fix the problem later on. It isn’t possible to turn around without hearing about the current pill to treat your health problems. There are a few pills that help, but only if you make a couple of needed modifications in your life. When your body stops working properly, you can’t obtain a new one. You need to learn how to take care of your body before it is too late. Your body cannot work correctly if it doesn’t have proper nutrition.

When you eat, do you eat out of convenience or taste without finding out if what you are eating is beneficial for you? How often do you eat at your local fast food place or buy junk food at the local convenience store? With all of the sugar-laden starchy and high fat food that almost all people consume, it’s not surprising that new diseases are always being discovered. The food products we are consuming are causing obesity, diabetes, and hypertension of pandemic proportions. A lot of people are at last realizing the importance of their food choices and are becoming more conscious about their health. Many nutritious food are now being sold at your local health food store or farmer’s market.

In all probability, your local grocery store today has an organic food area. There you will be able to get what science has called superfoods. That name has been given to 14 foods that have been found to slow down some diseases, or even reverse them. Eating these foods will improve your mental awareness and capabilities. As soon as you trade in the junk food for these super foods, you will be surprised at how healthy you will soon feel. By getting the proper nutrition, your body will work the way it is supposed to run. This in turn will enable your immune system to combat disease more efficiently.

You have to include a few superfoods in your diet each day. Why not include a few beans or blueberries? Then, try to add some veggies such as broccoli, spinach, or green tea. Throw in whole grains and nuts. Moreover, you may wish to consume salmon, turkey, yogurt, soybean, tomatoes, oranges, and pumpkins. When you eat these superfoods regularly, you should not have to worry about any problems with gaining weight.

Green living provides you with a solid diet plan, with all of the appropriate ingredients for better health. You will find that your immune system becomes healthier and your body will be able to ward off disease. Prepare for a great future by modifying your eating habits today.