Summer Green Smoothie
Summer Green Smoothie

Hey everyone, hope you are having an incredible day today. Today, we’re going to prepare a distinctive dish, summer green smoothie. It is one of my favorites. For mine, I am going to make it a bit tasty. This will be really delicious.

Summer Green Smoothie is one of the most popular of recent trending meals in the world. It’s simple, it’s fast, it tastes delicious. It is appreciated by millions every day. Summer Green Smoothie is something that I have loved my whole life. They’re fine and they look fantastic.

To begin with this recipe, we must first prepare a few ingredients. You can cook summer green smoothie using 11 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to make Summer Green Smoothie:
  1. Make ready 1 Pear (can substitute Apple)
  2. Make ready 1 bunch Spinach or Kale (can mix both)
  3. Prepare 2 Bananas
  4. Prepare 1 Mango
  5. Prepare 1/4 stick Celery, chopped
  6. Make ready 1/3 Cucumber
  7. Take 1 1/2 cup Strawberry (frozen or fresh), chopped
  8. Get 2 1/2 cup Ice
  9. Take 1 can pineapple (crushed or sliced) with juice (can substitute fresh pineapple)
  10. Take 1 tsp Cinnamon
  11. Take 1 tsp Organic Honey
Instructions to make Summer Green Smoothie:
  1. Rinse all fresh ingredients with cold water.
  2. Remove skin from mango and pear and cut both up.
  3. Peel cucumber and cut into smaller pieces.
  4. Add all ingredients to blender, packing with lots of spinach (and/or kale). Blend on high for 5 seconds.
  5. Add ice and blend again well.

Learn How to Improve Your Mood with Food

Mostly, people have been trained to think that “comfort” foods are bad for the body and should be avoided. However, if your comfort food is candy or junk food this can be true. Other times, however, comfort foods can be completely nourishing and it’s good for you to consume them. There are several foods that actually can boost your moods when you consume them. If you are feeling a little bit down and you’re in need of a happiness pick me up, try a few of these.

Eggs, believe it or not, can be actually terrific at dealing with depression. Just make sure that you do not toss the yolk. The egg yolk is the most crucial part of the egg iwhen it comes to helping raise your mood. Eggs, the egg yolks in particular, are high in B vitamins. B vitamins can actually help you raise your mood. This is because they help in bettering the function of your neural transmitters, the components of your brain that affect your mood. Try eating a few eggs to jolly up!

Make a trail mixfrom various seeds and nuts. Almonds, cashews, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, etc are all helpful for improving your mood. This is because seeds and nuts have a lot of magnesium which boosts your brain’s serotonin levels. Serotonin is known as the “feel good” substance that our body produces and it tells your brain how you should be feeling all the time. The more serotonin you have, the happier you are going to feel. Not only that, nuts, particularly, are a fantastic source of protein.

Cold water fish are wonderful for eating if you want to combat depression. Salmon, herring, tuna, mackerel, trout, etc, they’re all high in omega-3 and DHA. Omega-3 fatty acids and DHA are two things that raise the quality and the function of your brain’s gray matter. It’s the truth: consuming tuna fish sandwiches can truly help you fight your depression.

It’s not hard to drive away your bad mood when you are eating grains. Quinoa, millet, teff and barley are all really wonderful for helping increase your happiness levels. These grains can help you feel full for longer also, helping you feel better. Feeling famished can be awful! These grains can elevate your mood as it’s not at all hard for your body to digest them. These foods are easier to digest than others which helps jumpstart a rise in your blood glucose which in turn takes your mood to a happier place.

Green tea is truly good for your mood. You knew green tea had to be in this article somewhere, right? Green tea has been found to be packed full of an amino acid known as L-theanine. Research has proved that this amino acid promotes the production of brain waves. This helps sharpen your mental energy while simultaneously making the rest of your body more relaxed. You were already aware that green tea could help you become better. Now you know that it helps you to raise your moods too!

So you see, you don’t need to stuff your face with junk food when you want to feel better! Try some of these hints instead.