Spinach and okro soup
Spinach and okro soup

Hey everyone, it’s Drew, welcome to my recipe page. Today, I’m gonna show you how to prepare a distinctive dish, spinach and okro soup. One of my favorites food recipes. This time, I will make it a bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Spinach and okro soup is one of the most well liked of current trending meals on earth. It is easy, it’s quick, it tastes delicious. It’s appreciated by millions daily. Spinach and okro soup is something that I have loved my whole life. They’re nice and they look fantastic.

Okra soup is often classically made with beef (beef parts) and fish. Stir in the spinach and mix until wilted. Remove from heat immediately and serve. Введите запрос. How to make Spinach and Okra Soup.

To begin with this recipe, we must prepare a few ingredients. You can cook spinach and okro soup using 10 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you can achieve it.

The ingredients needed to make Spinach and okro soup:
  1. Get 400 g Spinach(green)
  2. Make ready Okro200g
  3. Take Palm oil
  4. Get Ground crayfish
  5. Prepare Periwinkle
  6. Prepare Ponmo
  7. Take Seasoning
  8. Make ready Pepper
  9. Get Okpei (locust beans)
  10. Get Salt

Take off the heat as the spinach it begins to wilt. White bean soup with spinach and leeks is a delicious and filling soup that is perfect for vegetarians if you use vegetable broth, and quick to make. Okra (Okro) Soup is a farm fresh soup recipe prepared with green vegetables. If you will use frozen spinach, defrost and cut into tiny pieces.

Steps to make Spinach and okro soup:
  1. Wash and slice okro,wash and slice spinach,set aside.Wash ponmo,put in a pot,pick periwinkle by removing the scale,set aside.
  2. Add water to your ponmo,seasoning,cook,when boiling for 4mins,add palm oil,periwinkle,pepper, crayfish,okpei(mashed)taste to adjust with seasoning and salt,boil for 3 mins,add okro,stir,when it boils,add spinach, stir,when it boil s,turn off heat, boom!very aromatic and tasty…

Okra (Okro) Soup is a farm fresh soup recipe prepared with green vegetables. If you will use frozen spinach, defrost and cut into tiny pieces. Pumpkin leaves are the best for okra soup but for those outside Nigeria, this may be hard to come by so. Afang Soup is of Nigerian origin-a much-celebrated recipe from the efik ethnic group in the southern part of Nigeria -and often served at Swap the water leaves for spinach it would not hurt. The other ingredients crayfish, palm oil, meat can be found in most Asian or.

Foods That Can Make You Happy

Mostly, people have been conditioned to think that “comfort” foods are terrible for the body and have to be avoided. But if your comfort food is candy or junk food this can be true. Other times, comfort foods can be very healthy and good for us to consume. There are some foods that basically can improve your moods when you consume them. If you are feeling a little bit down and you’re needing an emotional pick me up, try some of these.

Eggs, believe it or not, can be really great at fighting back depression. You need to make sure, however, that what you make includes the egg yolk. Whenever you want to cheer yourself up, the egg yolk is the most essential part of the egg. Eggs, the egg yolk particularly, are high in B vitamins. B vitamins can be terrific for lifting up your mood. This is because these vitamins help your neural transmitters–the parts of your brain that control your mood–function better. Eat an egg and cheer up!

Put together a trail mixfrom different seeds and nuts. Your mood can be elevated by consuming peanuts, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc. This is because these foods are rich in magnesium, which helps to boost your production of serotonin. Serotonin is called the “feel good” chemical and it tells your brain how you should be feeling at all times. The more of it in your brain, the better you’ll feel. Nuts, along with elevating your mood, can be a superb protein source.

If you would like to battle depression, try eating some cold water fish. Salmon, herring, tuna, mackerel, trout, etcetera, they’re all high in omega-3s and DHA. These are two substances that promote the quality and function of the gray matter in your brain. It’s the truth: eating tuna fish sandwiches can truly help you battle your depression.

Grains can be wonderful for overcoming a terrible mood. Barley, millet, quinoa, etc are terrific at helping you feel happier. They help you feel full also which can really help to better your mood. Feeling starved can really make you feel terrible! These grains can help your mood elevate as it’s not at all difficult for your body to digest them. You digest these grains more quickly than other foods which can help increase your blood sugar levels, which, in turn, helps make you feel better, mood wise.

Your mood could actually be helped by green tea. You were just expecting to read that here, weren’t you? Green tea is rich in an amino acid referred to as L-theanine. Studies have found that this amino acid actually induces brain waves. This will better your brain’s focus while also relaxing the rest of your body. You already knew green tea could help you become better. Now you know that applies to your mood as well!

As you can see, you don’t have to turn to junk food or foods that are terrible for you so you can feel better! Try a few of these suggestions instead.